Professional Development

One on one for the win

One on one for the win

One of the most important keys to managing your career is your one on ones (1:1) with your manager. This is where you get awareness about your current state, plan a path to move forward, and start planting the seeds that you're ready for what's next.   But I...

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Everything is a negotiation

Everything is a negotiation

I talk to my clients a lot about negotiation. From their salary, to their workload, to working with other teams... It's all a negotiation.   One of my clients and I spent our last session talking about an interaction they were having with another team member. The...

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Inbox full

Inbox full

My big win for the year is digital organization. There are a lot of bits to that but one that I'm looking to tackle is email organization. I got a text message after I sent an email to my list that the recipient replied and got the message 'inbox full.' I knew it was...

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Have you tried the 6Ds?

Have you tried the 6Ds?

I work with a lot of my clients on that mix between working on the right things and being productive. Think efficient and effective.   Everyone I talk to has too many things to do. Maybe there is a community out there who is perfectly fine with their to-do list....

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Stumped on work gifts?

Stumped on work gifts?

Back in my ad and web dev days everyone was good with a bottle of wine. I remember my dad in days of yore stocking the cabinet around the holidays with various dark liquors.   These non Mad Men days alcohol is no longer a go to and depending on your industry some...

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3 Tips For Getting Ahead At Work

3 Tips For Getting Ahead At Work

A lot of people’s professional goals including getting a raise and a promotion. So, I wanted to share three tips for getting ahead at work. 1. Talk early   Most of the decisions about titles and salaries are made well in advance of when they’re announced. So,...

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