Back in my ad and web dev days everyone was good with a bottle of wine. I remember my dad in days of yore stocking the cabinet around the holidays with various dark liquors. These non Mad Men days alcohol is no longer a go to and depending on your industry some...
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Would you follow the leader?
As people have been more physically separated the role of a leader has become both more challenging and more important. A lot of people start thinking about leadership when they need to manage a team. You’ve got your people and you need to motivate them to act...
3 Tips For Getting Ahead At Work
A lot of people’s professional goals including getting a raise and a promotion. So, I wanted to share three tips for getting ahead at work. 1. Talk early Most of the decisions about titles and salaries are made well in advance of when they’re announced. So,...
The Difference Between Corporate Training and Coaching
The field of coaching is a rapidly growing area. But coaching is still a relatively new industry so not everyone is as clear about what coaching really is. More people are familiar with models of training. Typically, there’s a specified area of expertise...